Sunday, November 8, 2020

Leftovers, .... Again! Or Pizza, .... Again?

What to do with a spoonful of spinach, a few stalks of cooked broccoli, a mushroom looking limp, and some slices of leftover roast beef? I couldn't bring myself to throw them out, but each was a tiny amount, not enough for an individual serving even, but how I wound up with such small amounts that couldn't possibly have been eaten when first cooked, I'll never know.

So, once again, a pizza to the rescue - I added bacon, cheese and garlic to the toppings for this scrumptious result, sprinkled with black pepper:


Georgette said...

That looks yummy. And the tiny bits of food... we all do it. I blame the nuns.

Debbie said...

Hee hee - I like that you used the word 'blame' and not 'credit'!

Wendy said...


Shelley Burbank said...

Looks scrumptious. It irritates me so much when someone leaves this teeny bit of food and I have to put it in a storage container. I end up dumping a lot of stuff like this on tops of salad greens. Pizza is a better idea!

Debbie said...

I'm pretty guilty of leaving a spoonful of food behind now that I'm trying to eat smaller portions ... pretty much my own fault!