I spent ages looking for the lid of this jar of coconut oil (left). After searching the expected location (of it being on the countertop), I was flummoxed that it was nowhere to be seen. I thought I must have done something absent-minded like throw it into the kitchen recycling skip, put it back in the cabinet, dropped it on the floor and it was lying under the open door of the dishwasher, or put it away with the zip lock bags I was using. Nope, nope, nope and nope.
Sunday, December 31, 2023
Saturday, December 30, 2023
Still Standing
This amazing, enduring old tree, home and supplier of food to many, withstood the forces of nature that took many healthy trees down recently.
Fibrous and punky,
Withstanding hurricane winds,
Holey tree stands tall
And yet, this slim tree beside our boardwalk could not stand straight after the winds, something that happens to pines often because of their shallow root system.
This pine broke off and fell into the road in between me driving off for an appointment and returning home. Road crews had moved it to the side before I even knew it was down - otherwise, I'd not have been able to get my car home (it was close enough to home that I'd have been able to park and walk).
Friday, December 29, 2023
What a lovely warm day we had right after Xmas: 47°F. Time to see how getting into a kayak felt with my new knee.
Well, the embarking and disembarking was no problem at all, but ... the surface ice in my cove caused too much difficulty for it to be any fun at all.Thursday, December 28, 2023
Reflecting Swing
Time spent on a swing can be a time to reflect, but this gives the concept a different swing - floodwaters reflecting a swing.
Wednesday, December 27, 2023
Sticky Windows
Pine needles are 'glued' to our windows after the hurricane force winds drove them up against any surface - we'll need Goo-Gone to clean this up
Still, they look pretty - like diamonds (or snow crystals) after the rain
Tuesday, December 26, 2023
Morning After
The serenity of the morning after the damaging storm of Dec 17/18 was a sight to behold, as we checked neighbors' properties for damage.
Monday, December 25, 2023
Storm Review
A week ago all our snow and ice melted away during a major rain- and wind-storm. This year's Xmas is therefore not a white one (lucky I took photos when I did!). Our lake's ice-in status is no more.
Like many other Mainers, we lost power and Internet during this event - for us it was only 34 hours. For many people it was much longer.
Our BBQ area became the edge of the lake at this time.
Sunday, December 24, 2023
How extreme has your Grinch-o-meter been this year? I hit my peak whilst out shopping during our power outage last week ...
I had tried to drive to the store and an X-ray appointment the previous day, during a major windstorm, but had to turn back 3 times for road closures due to wires and trees down all over the place. After an hour on the road, I was nowhere near my destination, and the sensation of pine cones and twigs hurtling loudly against the windshield whilst trying to negotiate pine cone- and branch- riddled 'roads' made me return to my dark, cut-off-from-the-world, home without having achieved my purpose. I watched other drivers continue driving under trees suspended by wires across the road, or doing some off-roading around obstructions, only to encounter broken wires on the other side - thank goodness, without repercussions. It was quite a hair-raising adventure and I was glad to be back in my powerless home!
The next day, all was calm, so I revisited my previous day's goals, and got to my destination without incident - there was free Wi-fi and electricity, so I indulged and spent a lot of time 'shopping' and browsing. It was better than that feeling of sitting at home ... waiting, hoping, expectant. But I guess it meant I spent more than my usual share of time out in the real world, and the customers cheerily singing along to the looping, cheerful songs hit a nerve. (I don't mind hearing carols, but not commercially for a whole month on repeat. In my upbringing, it was reserved for the season of advent, where these special songs were sung in church, not piped through every grocery store or consumer-location). It was almost too much for my straining reserve, especially for someone who'd quietly been enduring a power outage without complaint.
I'm happy to report that for once, I managed to keep my Grinch quiet whilst out in public, but saved it for a blog post instead!
Saturday, December 23, 2023
Predatory Winds
Friday, December 22, 2023
Toasty Toes
I was caught in this compromising position a few days ago ... making it look as if I was warming my feet up at the microwave.
Thursday, December 21, 2023
Vocabulary.com describes it as 'usually used to refer to the sun or some other mega-star ..."
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Squirrel Cache
Really? A squirrel thought this might be a good place to stash a pine cone?
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
Monday, December 18, 2023
Blender Incident
This is not what is meant by "incorporate with wooden spoon" - adding wood splinters to the dough! I got my wooden implement a little too close to my blender blades when the dough wouldn't form and got this little nick in my implement ... silly me, I should have known better, but at least it wasn't my finger, so there's that!
Sunday, December 17, 2023
Saturday, December 16, 2023
Nature's Gnashers
Look at how sharply nature's teeth are showing this winter - ferocious!
I can't tell if this is a smile or a grimace!
Friday, December 15, 2023
Ice Ants
These icy outlines along the thin branches make me think of ants in a line carrying goodies to their nests!
Thursday, December 14, 2023
Potato Wedge
I found what looked like a piece of a potato on my lawn before it snowed last week - I thought some little rascal rodent had dragged it from my compost pile, but when I lifted it, it was light as a feather, weightless. It was more like a leaf, but shaped into a wedge.
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
Celebrating Light
In Scandinavian countries it's also celebrated as St. Lucia's day, when a young girl lit her way through the catacombs with a candlelit wreath on her head to bring food to persecuted Christians. It was also the day on which the solstice was marked in the old "Julian" calendar.
I cannot help but see similarities between this natural phenomenon and the story subsumed by Christian faith, as described here: "After converting to Christianity sometime around 1000, the Norse incorporated the legend of St. Lucia into their celebration. The modern festival of light combines elements of both pagan and Christian traditions." Britannica

Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Scintillating Snow Scenes
A few days with no sun after a snowstorm yields incredibly frigid, yet scintillating scenes of moodiness. It's incredibly beautiful to look at, but too bitter to be outside. The cold temperatures kept the snow holding onto the tree cover for a few sunless days.