Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Weeping Rock

I discovered a rock that had rivulets of frozen tears cascading down its sides on a recent walk through the woods. I thought it was fascinating.

The ice acted as a lens to highlight the patterns and variegated colors in the rock.

This section reminded me of a grove of birches, with luminous white bark

Monday, January 30, 2023

Surprise - A Snow Post!


The world closes in
When snow is fresh on the trees,
Bleak, yet beautiful.

The sun changes that:
From one day to another,
A different scene.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Crack Patterns

I noticed these cracks in the mud a short while ago after some snowmelt and sunshine. I thought they looked quite lovely when I stopped and examined them up close.

Simple, beautiful angles.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Icicle Contemplation

The layers and facets in this icicle remind me of both wood grain and crystals, when you move in close:

The shadows, and the icicles make me think of gnashing teeth

As they drip, they grow - amazing structures to wonder and marvel at

Friday, January 27, 2023

Turkey Tracks

I couldn't help but think of turkey track shapes when I saw this snow accumulation on a balsam fir

Here are a whole lot of them:

I liked how the growing tip stood out

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Woodland Pond

I'm always fascinated by the color of natural woodland ponds I come across in winter landscapes. There's always a murkiness, a lack of clarity, that piques my interest.

I've tried to find out "why" and I'm not 100% sure I've hit on the correct explanation, since most seem unverified and colloquial. The most plausible version seems to be that it's due to the ability of hardy algae to photosynthesize in weak, barely-there winter sunlight, unlike bacteria and plants that have a dormancy phase. Proliferating algae continue to give off oxygen that is important for other pond critters to breathe, so are a vital component to the life of a pond, of its 'metabolism' - it's not a bad thing. In other seasons of the year, their numbers are kept at bay by other competitors for the same resources.


Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Tree Star


Graphs called trees, or stars

Have a single central node

As in this tree stump

Monday, January 23, 2023

Lenticular Bubble

Lenticular clouds
Form around a mountain crest:
This one's an ice form


Sunday, January 22, 2023

Wood Grain

I find these obliquely exposed growth rings on a branch fascinating, informative, and beautiful all at the same time.

The beauty's in the details - such grainy finesse, a lovely arrangement of fibers with a touch of snow!

Saturday, January 21, 2023

A Real Snowfall

A vertical wall

Of white appeared overnight -

Winter draped her cloak

Her robe dampens sound, 

Hushing our world to silence -

Shattered by snow plows.

Ratio of snow

to branch surprisingly un-

balanced, and heavy.

Will power be lost?

Will the whiteness bring darkness

As tree limbs succumb?

Friday, January 20, 2023


Ah, bliss! The 2 year long journey to re-align my jaw, teeth and bite has come to an end at last - I was fitted with my custom night-time retainers this month. This marks the end of the long realignment process. Oh yes, there were definitely times when I wanted to throw in the towel, especially when the anticipated duration went beyond my expectations, but well, I got through it. Knowing I had paid a chunk of change up front made me determined to see it through.

My bite feels awesome, thanks to the amazing new tools available these days. The old way was to get the patient to bite down and chew on articulation paper, then drill away the marked bits, until there were no unevenly appearing marks. But this method couldn't tell where a person was biting first, which would affect everything else.

T-scan technology, using paper thin sensors that are connected to a computer, records the point of first contact in a bite, as well as the exact amount of force used on each tooth. It produces incredibly useful graphics on screen to guide the dentist doing the contouring of the bite. I was so pleased that my orthodontist shared the whole procedure and outcome with me so I could learn how it worked.

The detailed information it generates guides the doctor to attain the most balanced and evenly distributed bite between left and right, top and bottom. I am so impressed!


I'm also thrilled! I don't have jaw pain when I chew. 

PLUS, I can eat at any time of day without worrying about wearing braces and brushing teeth constantly. I can eat on a whim! So, YIPPEE YIPPEE YAY!

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Fascinating Ice Forms

 Tiger stripes from light and ice over a rock

This frozen shape reminds me of a tadpole

A speckled pattern with a bigger, speckled indent in the middle

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Ode to Moonlight

Fresh snow in moonlight

An otherworldly vision

Compels me outdoors

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Delicate Snow

I loved how lightly the snow coated this rosette of lichen, turning it into a bouquet of pastel colors.

The snow coating on the hemlocks and pines was fragile too, just a light touch

Monday, January 16, 2023


"We may have all come on different ships, but we're in the same boat now."

Martin Luther King

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Fungal Brilliance

Look at the gorgeous colors, textures and variations of fungi on this single downed branch - exotic and exquisite. A lovely splash of color in winter's monochrome cloak.

Saturday, January 14, 2023


A cold, white highlight

Or shadowy grey outline:

Which is it for you? 

Friday, January 13, 2023

Child Bride

This is the only time I wore a wedding gown ... it was for a fancy dress parade, when I was probably aged 7 or 8 (and I didn't win this contest!). 

Little did I know then that I'd marry and choose not to have any pomp or ceremony, not wear a white dress with a veil and not become a MRS one day! I was 'into' rejecting the mainstream, and along with it, cultural expectations of what a wedding was. Authenticity was the name of the game. We married on a Friday the 13th, flouting superstition.

At the impressionable age that I chose this costume though, a traditional ceremony was my fairytale dream, and I wanted to pretend I was a bride!

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Dividing Line

This is one of the stumps in our cove, at one point entirely covered in snow, but now only half coated.

I LOVE this perfect illustration of the effects of direct sun on the earth. Never underestimate the effect of aspect - it was one of the factors we were taught to consider when studying geomorphology, erosion and vegetation in our college classes almost 40 years ago.

Do YOU look towards the sun and all its benefits? Which way do you face?

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Winter Sunsets

I took these photos around 4pm about a week after the solstice (i.e. longer hours of daylight). Still, it's disheartening to have the sun settling down for the night this early; it may be pretty, but early darkening is so hard on the psyche.

Any activities undertaken after noon are clouded by the early cut-off of light; one generally returns home in darkness. Not very uplifting, and a tough time of year.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Encrusted Snow


Early morning light
Falls on snow encrusted stems
Wintergreen stands out

Monday, January 9, 2023

Trapped in Ice

Help! Someone get me out ... No special effects used here, just a sheet of nature's glass that melted in my hands and dribbled down my sleeve to my elbow as I took this selfie. 

Trapped air bubbles

Trapped leaf

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Evening Outdoors

How does one introduce a new year into one's life?

However one records it, it's just another chunk of measured time. It has no real significance, in and of itself. So for us, January 1st was just another day for an outdoor BBQ in December (no snow, and somewhat spring-like!)

It was a lovely evening to be outside, and I got to appreciate the shadows from the comfort of our deck.

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Passing the Time

I had 45 minutes to spend in a parked car while I waited for an appointment to finish. I decided to stroll around to pass the time, and was delighted to find some picturesque patterns and plants.

It was lovely moving about, walking into the sun and seeing things I would most certainly have missed from inside the car.

Friday, January 6, 2023

Coming or Going?

Hooded mergansers!

A late migration? Or an

Early spring return?


At least 14 birds were congregating in the open water that is left in our lake. I don't know if they're coming or going, or if they even know! We haven't had a total ice cover yet, and have had more rain than snow.