Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Disposable Thoughts

This musing is a double entendre in my mind - is it about my thoughts being disposable? Or is it thoughts about disposables? Or is it both?

What does the word disposable mean to you? Something to throw away, right? Defined as "an article designed to be thrown away after use." Something easily tossed, and forgotten, often after a single use ...

Disposables save us the hassle of having to wash things before using them again. They're easily discarded because we have no connection to them, and therefore we use way more of them than we would if we were washing and reusing them, be it rags, gloves, cups, etc. 

But where do disposables go when they're thrown away, out of sight? They transfer from being OUR minor hassle to the planet's insurmountable problem. When they're out of sight, we don't think about them any longer, but all this so-called 'disposable' waste is accumulating in our landfills. Disposable only means we toss it, not that it goes away or vaporizes.

Everything's got to BE somewhere, it consists of matter, of materials, so when we dispose of it, it doesn't disappear.

Disposable - what a conveniently deceptive word for things of convenience ... 

Let's be more conscious of using so-called 'disposables' in 2025

Monday, January 13, 2025

On Drywalling

Whilst holding up a sheet of drywall during our kitchen renovations in  Orange, MA

we decided to have a bit of fun with it and turned it into a piece of playful performance art called "Drywall Contemplation"

I really loved the pattern our Crocs made as we walked over the sheets of drywall - our powdered footprints created an almost fernlike pattern.


Saturday, January 11, 2025

Ice Luminary

What a gorgeous and delightful luminary a friend made for me - totally natural, an ice sphere that is a perfect candle holder in this frigid weather.

Using a small tea light candle generates a beautiful glow without causing much melt. Isn't it amazing?

I'm so inspired by this ice structure - awesome and perfect for winter evenings.

Friday, January 10, 2025

The Adorables

 These two adorable kitties' time with us is coming to an end next month. 

It's impossible not to love them despite the 'troubles' they cause. They have slotted into our routines to make themselves a part of our daily lives, and follow us as we perform regular activities, insisting on being a part of everything. We love it!


It's going to be SO hard and empty without them, but that's exactly why their owners want them back. Fluffalo manages to look sweet and appealing no matter the situation, while Peep seems to convey a haughty disdain and scorn that is so endearing!

What adorable cuties 💗

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Spectacular Sunset

What a spectacular array of colors we were treated to during the return of an Arctic blast - nature redeeming itself!

It certainly was a worthwhile (quick) trip outside.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

In Search of Green

I think I'm hankering after spring already! After so many bleak snow pictures, I need some color in my life ...

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Sunday, January 5, 2025


This simple juxtaposition of natural critter footprints and an artificially colored ball in the snow caught my attention. The bird (I think) didn't seem curious about the ball, though 😊

And then there was this contrast too - the child's swing caught the snowflakes and left a bare patch beneath it.

Saturday, January 4, 2025



A mystical mist

Shrouds the lake in mystery, 

Creating mystique.


Friday, January 3, 2025

Fire and Ice

I had so much fun burning old lumber on this December day. I guess I'm quite a pyrotechnic at heart - I prided myself in having started this fire with damp boards, and without using lighter fluid. I had snow melting into my fireplace from the flammable materials, with runnels of water trickling everywhere. A lovely challenge!

    Whilst supervising the burning, I was able to see all kinds of patterns in the snow. The striations in the lawn were fascinating. Look at how much movement it implies.


Thursday, January 2, 2025

Smoky Swirls

What a beautiful pattern this smoke made on a cold day. I was intrigued by the wispy swirls and curls.

The painted over wallpaper on a wood panel was pretty smelly, but the effect looked so good!

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Ice Bubbles

It's the little things that catch my eye ... it wasn't this large bubble trapped in the ice that got my attention so much as the fuzzy-looking halo just above the bubble. Was it the path taken by the bubble as it was pushed downward?

I saw it elsewhere too, but these were associated with tinier bubbles in a clump, giving the appearance of striations in the ice. Fascinating!