Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Upton Sinclair, born in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1878 worked undercover in a meatpacking plant to research his exposé of labor practices in his work, The Jungle. In addition to writing nearly 100 books on unfair social practices, he was a political activist and muckraker (reform-minded activists during the "Progressive era" - 1890s to 1920s). This quote by him remains relevant:

Monday, February 17, 2025

Variegated Snow

We had a fresh 10 inches of snow a week ago - thank goodness it was light and airy, making it easy to lift and throw. 

Whilst clearing up, I noticed how varied the crystals were this time around, not uniform at all. Some were densely packed, looking like small, solid white balls, and other crystals were spread out with lots of air spaces in and around them.

Quite a mix!

Sunday, February 16, 2025


These little sweeties' sojourn with us has come to end. Initially shy, reserved and polite, 

these two rascals quickly endeared themselves to our family and every visitor that crossed our threshold (even inspiring their art!),

and became full-on, adored members of our household, making themselves chief supervisors on every project, and insisting on having THE most comfortable spot in the house.

We have now experienced EVERYTHING (and more!) of the detailed introduction that was written about them in advance of their arrival. We have a treasure trove of photos and memories💓 written into our hearts, and we wish them a stress-free flight to their new home.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Lines and Patterns

Snow melting into chocolate éclair shapes 😃 - well, that's what I thought of when I saw them

I'm fascinated by this array of intersecting lines, shadows and differing spacings; can't explain why.