Monday, May 2, 2022

Exciting Discovery

Oh, I'm so excited to have seen these pussy willow blooms! I hadn't seen this shrub prospering on my property by the roadside until now. Without these signature flowering catkins, it looks just like any other stick in the woods!

I don't know how many times I've walked past this plant on my way to and from the mailbox, and I've not noticed it before. Shameful!

I've been watching over it, and it's taken a week for its form to change to this - pollen is done, and the stem is budding out with leaves. And it seems as if the ants are finding something they need ...

It's exciting adding a new native to my list - Salix discolor

OOOOOOOOOOOOHHH, yes it's thrilling! I'm okay with being a Native Nerd 😀

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