Thursday, September 10, 2020

Flotillas of Unflattering Sun Hats ...

This week, I participated in my 3rd paddle survey with fellow Invasive Plant Patrollers (IPPers). I've been having a blast discovering that there are people out there, who are as crazy as we are! It's thrilling - we talk plants, and get excited about Bladderworts and Pondweeds, Bryozoans and algae.

I think I've found my tribe. Everybody is enthusiastic about nature, and conservation, and monitoring, and natives, and other obscure things ..... It's been so very exciting and validating to have others enjoy what I enjoy - nature and lake life! Though I return home worn out from excitement and effort, it is fulfilling and rewarding work.

Not only have I found my tribe when it comes to interests we're passionate about, but these people are also similarly practically minded. Everybody participating in the survey looked as geeky and unperturbed about how they looked, as us - for once, we didn't stand out! A common theme was: flip-up polarizing sunglasses, pants with multiple, bulging pockets, lanyards with useful things around our necks, Earth Shoes or Crocs, and enormous, unflattering sun hats. So, if you saw a flotilla of floppy sun hats, with rakes, scopes and GPSes going by, that was us!

Like-minded people
Are appearing in my life
Virt'ully, through Zoom.


Georgette said...

I would have loved to see that! Sounds like it was quite a parade.

Debbie said...

Would make a great July 4th flotilla for the boat parade ...