Saturday, August 10, 2024

A Milfoil of Humility

On a recent survey of part of neighboring Sokokis Lake in Limerick, in which we surveyed for the invasive European naiad (Najas minor), we were delighted to experience a native leafy milfoil that doesn't occur in our lake (to our knowledge).

This dainty milfoil is Myriophyllum humile, commonly called low water milfoil. Besides being a lot smaller in stature, its whorls look a lot more shaggy and less organized than the invasive Variable Leaf milfoil.

Plus, it has little nubs and bumps along its stem, which are its flowers and fruits, which occur entirely underwater, unlike the invasive one.

I detached a fruit and placed it along my centimeter scale, to give you an idea of just how tiny it is - it's about .04"

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