Thursday, May 11, 2023

That Darn Dam

Oh woe! The long saga of our dam flashboards washing away and being replaced has resumed ... the deluge (almost 4 inches overnight) and heavy winds we experienced on April 30/May 1 added a new chapter to the narrative.

The spring storm flooded our yard and dock to a level never seen before. We tether our dock boards onto the frame, but still, they were floating and displaced. And there was no way to walk out there to fix them.

We kept dragging our kayaks and loungers further up the yard, only to find they needed moving yet again as the feeder streams delivered their input later, after the rain had stopped. 

The flooding was too much for the flashboards at the dam, and about 1/4 of them were washed away - again. So another fix is being planned, necessitating dropping the water level down deliberately to enable workers to work safely on the wall. Below is a shot of how it looked 6 days after the rain - quite a considerable drop; I just hope they're harnessing the power for the hydroelectric facility.

It still has more lowering to go, and it looks different each day. This has, unfortunately, put a damper on my investigation of shallow wetlands for plants putting on a spring bloom, since there is no way through the mud and silt without water. And it's now waaaaaay lower than when this pic was taken.

The plan is to get the repair done and refilling completed by the Memorial day weekend.

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