Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Officially Old

On the day that my youngest sibling turns 53, I must declare that I have officially become old (there are 3 siblings in between). Actually, I managed to reach two independent mental aging benchmarks in one day!

1.) I officially succumbed to entering my credit card on a spammy/knock-off website


2.) I lost track of food leftovers in my fridge, and found out I was growing a fungus garden!

I've also received a bad report card on my joints, to the tune of "degenerative changes noted in all 3 compartments of the left knee. Worsening joint space narrowing in the medial compartment and patellofemoral compartments," and a re-do of carpal tunnel release surgery is in the works. Until then I've added wrist splints to my already over-the-top aging aids at bedtime ...


Wendy said...

We may be getting older, but our hearts will remain young!

Debbie said...

Of course! I can't believe this 28 year old that I am has so many issues - uncanny!