Saturday, October 30, 2021

Island Getaway

I spent time at an island getaway last week, rejuvenating. I used my own transport, and brought my own victuals. There was ample seating, views and things to wonder at everywhere I looked. And no one wearing a mask, since there weren't any other people!

The noisiest part of my day was the sound of my windcheater scraping dryly against my sides as I paddled, and of my hard shelled kayak negotiating the screech of dried out pickerelweed leaves.

I could see out from my little island with a 360° view of the water, lily pads, and banks of glowing trees. I found iridescent red berries ready for winter wildlife, a beaver lodge, gorgeous soft mosses and baby scrub oaks.

Bliss! I had it all to myself, and I loved it. Heaven's right here in my backyard!

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