Sunday, December 31, 2023


I spent ages looking for the lid of this jar of coconut oil (left). After searching the expected location (of it being on the countertop), I was flummoxed that it was nowhere to be seen. I thought I must have done something absent-minded like throw it into the kitchen recycling skip, put it back in the cabinet, dropped it on the floor and it was lying under the open door of the dishwasher, or put it away with the zip lock bags I was using. Nope, nope, nope and nope. 

I decided to give up for the time being, to leave the jar on the counter until the lid revealed itself - after all, how difficult would it be to spot a green, plastic lid that matched the green accent on the jar?

Expectations! They are what lead us astray, that take us in the wrong direction. With expectations blurring my reality, I overlooked what was actually in front of me  - look again at my photo: the lid is right under my nose! 

The lid was black, not green! My expectation had obscured my vision.

So, what is your expectation or vision for 2024? Will you be open to reality, and not be misled by what you think it should be? It makes life a lot smoother!

1 comment:

Captain BBH said...

Happiness and health for 24! Happy New Year! xx J & S