Monday, December 25, 2023

Storm Review

A week ago all our snow and ice melted away during a major rain- and wind-storm. This year's Xmas is therefore not a white one (lucky I took photos when I did!). Our lake's ice-in status is no more.

Like many other Mainers, we lost power and Internet during this event - for us it was only 34 hours. For many people it was much longer. 

Flooding from the storm event of Dec 17/18 meant many shorelines on Lake Arrowhead were underwater after 3.5" of rain filled our reservoirs, and melted snow (plus, our feeder lake had all their valves open as they planned to freeze out an invasive plant).

Our BBQ area became the edge of the lake at this time.


After a few days, the water level receded, returning our land to us

Parts of our boardwalk were under water for a day or two as well  

This marks the highest we have seen the lake rise - the kayaks on the lowest rungs of our storage rack had floated off their supports. The only way to rescue them was to walk in the water (we have Waders) to retrieve them.

Our lighthouse installation (now a year old) had to be rescued when the waters rose to about a foot below its top, but it has since been returned to its location. Here it is seen through the water that is usually our land access to it.

Our neighbor's lakeside swing

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