Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Busy Baker

What a fun morning I spent creating these loaves - so rewarding when the outcome is successful and tasty.

I wondered why I don't bake artisan breads more often - they aren't tricky, just need a bit of planning and forethought - I guess that's where I fail! But also, for years I'd believed that bread was too difficult for me, since I'd never really had success with fresh, compressed yeast (in cubes) in the past, but the availability of active, dry yeast has been a game changer for me.

It is said that success breeds success, and in my baking experience, this is exactly right. I was so enthused and encouraged by the ease and success of my bread-making that while I was waiting for some molasses cookies (new recipe) to bake (11 minutes),

... I razzled up another bread dough, to prove overnight - I'm on a roll! There's nothing like being greeted by this yeasty production on entering the kitchen in the morning.