Sunday, September 18, 2022

Pillars of the Earth

What a statuesque pillar the remains of this Amanita muscaria (fly agaric) makes!

The caps had become slimy and were disintegrating.

This allowed me to appreciate the stalk's beauty and details, which can be hidden by drooping caps. Quite lacy and elegant, no?

The yellow pillars below are Clavulinopsis laeticolor, a coral mushroom, which is teeny by comparison - they are pictured here alongside green moss and pine needles.

They have rounded tips with no real shape or color differentiation within the column. It looks a lot like yellow clubs (for use by fairies when they have an uprising!) standing up above the moss. On no! I don't believe this ... further reading about these fungi described them as "fairy club fungus"! And I was just fooling around 😊

They are called saprobes - they use decomposing, dead or decaying organic material as food.