Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Job Shadowing


Another early morning for me - perhaps it's because I've had something on my calendar each day this week for which I've had to set an alarm, and now I'm used to it?

The stillness and serenity of my morning looked this idyllic

The quiet speaks volumes! No hubbub or frenzied rushing of people, apart from a few infrequent cars, and not a single boat slicing through the flat water. The silence was so ... available! So available in fact, that I was able to hear the mew of a muskrat kit as it shadowed its parent along the shore behind me. 

Of course I turned, and was rewarded with a view of the young muskrat following the adult through the daily routine of foraging. They swam past me with their heads out the water, making their double-heading very obvious. They were so close and in tune with each other as to look like one. The synchronicity of their movements was phenomenal, and gasp-worthy. 

This modeling activity must be the epitome of job shadowing. They moved out of sight unfortunately, but in waiting for their return, I was able to admire this beautiful halloween pennant dragonfly sharing the quiet with me.

I heard the baby muskrat call again on their return to the nest, but this time, only saw a form swimming away from me, carrying reeds and grass along the surface, so was unable to distinguish individual heads. Still, what a bonus - I'm SO glad I rose early.


Georgette said...

Incredible. So glad that you know to be still with yourself and your beautiful wild friends. Not sure I could do that, especially at that early hour... Thanks for sharing. Your pictures are so beautiful, I think I got a little taste of the moment.

Debbie said...

Ooh, I'm glad I got to spread some of the wonder.

Shelley Burbank said...

I felt like I was sitting next to you. How beautiful.

Debbie said...

Mornings! Ah, they can be great, but so can staying in bed!