Monday, February 12, 2024

Bathroom Olympics

Have you ever tried to turn around in a narrow public bathroom stall to close the door with a backpack on, whilst also plumped up in winter gear making movement very stiff and difficult? (I think they should award Olympic medals for those who manage it without "incident.")

That was my predicament recently as I visited the bathroom before boarding the snow train in NH. (Of course, there was a line in the women's bathroom, so I contemplated the wallpaper as I waited my turn) ... 

I stepped into the stall, and found that it was almost too small for me to step far enough into the stall to turn 180° and latch the door closed - was this the hobbit bathroom? It took a few attempts that involved side stepping and squishing my pack against the side wall to get rotated enough to get the door latched closed.

Now, facing the door, I had to reverse towards the seat (which was black - the same color as my pants that were pulled down, making it difficult to know if I had backed up far enough). In my usual style of 'hovering' in a public restroom, with my face down towards the floor, my glasses began falling off my face! I reacted so quickly to save them that I dislodged my scarf end that had been flung over my shoulder, and the long segment began unfurling towards the dirty (obviously) floor. I somehow managed to initiate another "save" - thankfully, this one was without further calamities.

I emerged feeling a little ruffled, but hoped I'd earned at least a Bronze for my success in surviving the hurdles, even if I didn't complete a full double axel very gracefully in the space provided! I didn't slip or touch the floor once - surely that counted for something?

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