Monday, April 3, 2023

Vulture Appreciation

On our way home from a protracted expedition to Biddeford for appointments, groceries, item-returns and banking, we noticed about 6 turkey vultures standing right beside the road edge, and more wheeling in the sky. It was unusual to see them up close and on the ground, so we turned around to take a closer look. 

As we drew closer, they all flew off, but I was able to get in a few quick shots despite shaking with excitement. And then we saw what had drawn them to this spot so close to the road - the remains of a dead deer.

These majestic scavengers clean up carcasses in the landscape - their carrion diet stops diseases and bacteria from spreading out of control in an ecosystem. 

Dale and I have a soft spot for vultures (or vulleys as we fondly call them). Whilst living in South Africa, we belonged to the Vulture Study Group, a conservation organization that rallied against the poisoning of carcasses and established vulture 'restaurants' where clean, unpoisoned carcasses were dumped.

Who'd have thought that a day of chores would be transformed into thrills with this magnificent sighting?


Shelley Burbank said...

Such great shots! Saw one sitting in a tree the other day…so big!

Shelley Burbank said...

Such great shots! Saw one sitting in a tree the other day…so big!

Debbie said...

Thanks Shelley. I was quite pleased with the pics too, for longish distance on a phone.