Sunday, March 19, 2023

Power Loss

During our most recent wet, windy, snowy Nor'easter, we lost power and Internet at the same instant that this explosion appeared on our TV screens! (we were watching 'Narcos')

It was like being in the midst of the explosion - instantly, everything went black. What perfect timing!

It was a long, disturbed night. We weren't cold, but the sounds we were hearing in the darkness were unnerving - was that a tree thudding down, or just snow sliding off the roof, sending off vibrations as it hit the deck? Was that ice hitting the windows, or branches and pine needles? Did the howling come from the wind in the trees, or was it a train rolling by?

The outage lasted 20 hours. When I drove out of our community the next day, I passed a convoy of 11 power company trucks at the roadside, collaborating and strategizing. Even after a trip to the grocery store and a Dr. appointment in Biddeford, I still got home before power was restored. But this time around, the timing was quite acceptable, really: we lost power after dinner, and close to bed-time, and it came back on about 6PM when it was time to make dinner the next day. We slept through half of it, and had daylight for the other half. So, all in all, not a bad experience.