Friday, March 31, 2023

Indiscretionary Searches

I did a Google search of my photos to illustrate yesterday's post about waste, but just about everything I tried came up empty - no results found. I kept trying different words to describe what I was looking for - waste, poop, feces, droppings, dung, scat, excrement, and stool - and along the way, geeky old me found it amazing that we have so many ways of describing this 'unsavory' part of life. 

Of course, 'stool' yielded many photos, but only the 3 or 4 legged kind, mostly in the background - as you can see from the results below, and not the kind of stool I had in mind. If Google can find 'stool' or 'lighthouse' on pics I haven't added keywords to, why not poop?

It was interesting to me because I know for a fact that I have photographed things such as this (animal scat) on many occasions. Google is obviously trying to 'purify' my searches and get my focus out of the toilet ... there is clearly a filter to prevent such searches ... hmm, a decomposition of sorts, a metaphorical or virtual cleansing?

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