Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Scone Theme

I don't know what the soundtrack for a scone-themed post would be; this is a baking, picture theme.

Cranberry with Marmalade

Orange, topped with brown sugar orange zest 

My son and I have been experimenting with different flavors and toppings in a scone dough. We each bake a batch on a Monday, and try to come up with new ideas for flavorings. We've tried cranberry-rosemary, orange and cranberry, orange, and cranberry marmalade. All work and taste pretty good so far; the pure orange was quite delicate in flavor, and seemed to be stronger by the following day. I really love the tart burst of cranberries in the dough.

Cranberry-rosemary in wedges

Cranberry-rosemary in rounds
 Photo by Dale Schultz


Wendy said...

These look yummy!

Debbie said...

Sc(one)'s the limit ...