Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Horror!

The wind- and snow- fall damage from the April 4 storm has been horrific to see. Healthy trees broke under the weight of their own branches that were weakened by snow accumulation on one side only, making the weight distribution very uneven.

Our boardwalk was lifted and buckled by a tree that keeled over into our cove

We also lost these two beauts: the far one lifted an incredibly large area of moss with its root base.

As it fell, it carved a deep hole on its lake side as its roots dipped in and slid backwards. The pic below shows the gouge it created as it fell, and into which Dale unknowingly stepped when snow still lay on the ground, getting his foot totally wet.

The two trees, once paired upwards to the sky are now lying parallel over the water

Hell hath no fury like Mother Nature scorned, is what I say: we have abused her for too long! Now we pay the price ...

We were so fortunate not to have had any damage to our home or car. A Weber BBQ that we stored in the woods was completely crushed and destroyed by a heavy branch, but it was a spare, anyway.

 We're slowly clearing debris from the pathways and recreational areas of the yard, and will leave a whole lot as handy "thickets" (for nesting or shelter) for wildlife in the woods. I see no need to burn yard clippings, nor to haul them away to another location.