Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Soapbox Debbie, not Derby

"... those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future." 

— John F. Kennedy

I.E. don't let the problems of the past or the complications of today stop you in your tracks, for it will hamper your growth and surety of a worthwhile future. Have hope, and DO something!

And yes, that goes for climate change, too! We have made many environmental mistakes in the past, and knew the reckoning was coming because we weren't doing anything about it, and now it is upon us! The Copernicus Climate Change Service recently established that "2023 is confirmed as the warmest calendar year in global temperature data records going back to 1850" and both January and February of 2024 have followed this pattern (Hottest Year on Record).

ACT! We can still do things that will help - learning how to be more accountable for our place in the environment as we move forward is essential. We must work on, and accept the costs of, securing sustainable and clean energy options for a continued future. Making sacrifices, consuming less, wasting less, changing bad energy-habits, and consciously considering other life forms, by establishing native refugia for displaced species, will ensure our own species' future. We are tied together, and WE have the tools!

OK, time to get off my soapbox ...

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