Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Bonding over Eggs

Who'd have thought that the egg display case in a grocery store would be such a congenial meeting place? In the face of rising egg prices (they've gone up by 49% this year, due to Avian flu losses, apparently), collaborating with other customers seemed to be the best bet.

The prices, products, and seemingly incorrect labels were the catalyst for breaking down the usual communication barriers (or etiquette?) when shopping - talking to strangers. None of the prices seemed to make any sense. Suddenly, we were all in this together, sharing findings and pointing out helpful suggestions and comparisons. We bonded briefly over shared hardship. We had to look beyond our usual 'go-to' products and evaluate the situation together.

Who would have thought that Eggland's Best (claiming to being raised on proprietary all-vegetarian feed) would be $2 cheaper per dozen than good old Market Basket eggs? Once we realized this good deal, we felt compelled to share our great find with other browsing customers.

Now, it's time to bake!


Lucy Schultz said...

Finally Linus's saying of "what's that got to do with the price of eggs" has some meaning..

Lucy Schultz said...

Now Linus's saying of "what's that got to do with the price of eggs?" is finally relevant.

Debbie said...

You're right - wish I'd thought of that!