Monday, February 24, 2025

Eggsorbitant Eggs

It's a rare occasion that I feel good (eggscited) about paying $4.99 for 18 eggs, but currently that's regarded as a good deal. When you're used to paying $2 or so for a dozen, this seems exorbitant.

I end up spending a lot more time at the egg counter, eggzamining all the prices before choosing. And everywhere I go, it's always a reason for communication with other shoppers, all equally aghast and outraged. Last week the Hannaford check out person congratulated me on my egg-price achievement at $4/dozen. What has this economy come to when I get eggscited about such prices?

Lately, all the best egg prices have been from more up-market sources: free range, cage-free, pasture raised, vegetarian fed, etc so I've strayed into buying these much nicer eggs (round yolks that stand up high, and compact whites that aren't too runny - I'm not eggsaggerating), which are usually way out of my price range.

I'm going to get spoiled! 

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