Thursday, October 17, 2024

Beauty Inherent

Beauty inherent,

Whether native or foreign -

Words convey judgement.

Two invasive plants looking beautiful in the depths

Wednesday, October 16, 2024


Here are a few pics that might be interesting: this first one is an upside-down Taplight leaning on some glow-in-the-dark pebbles. It almost looks like an alien craft.

This is the inside bottom end of an acorn squash, looking almost heart-shaped, so I helped it out with a red marker

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Sleepy Bee

The Eastern Bumblebee (Bombus impatiens) is known to have slumber parties on the flowers they visit. This one was stationary on these asters for so long that I realized I could go inside and fetch my camera and it would still be there on the same flower --- et voilĂ ! Sluggish indeed!

Apparently males don't return to the hive so are driven to find warmth near the flower's center.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Orange is the New ...

... abode for Dallas! She's moved to Orange, MA with L & R and is so happy in her new home, without her "cousins" Fluffalo and Peep. The 3 hour car journey was traumatic for her - she looked like a drooling demon, salivating and throwing up for the first 30 minutes of her transfer. She looked so ragged and disgusting in this state that one could easily have mistaken her for a ferocious, diseased black cat - I didn't want to embarrass her with a photo of that ugly mess, so here she is instead, schmoozing up to me in her new palace.

She's relaxed and even frisky again, and loves looking out the window at her new realm. What a lucky, lucky cat - she seems so settled and content. Have any of you read the story from long ago (1958) called "Boats Finds a House"? Dale still has his childhood copy!

It's a delightful story about a cat called Boats who is looking for a house after retiring from life on a ship, and eventually finds one. It's (almost) Dallas' pre-emptively written autobiography!

Darkness falls from their deck
A lovely little lantern lights the way