Saturday, April 27, 2024

Parabolic Trees


Flexible birches

Curve parabolically

When snow traps their tips


Friday, April 26, 2024

Downed Things

After our spring snowstorm, I found these catkins that had obviously come down with the broken branches. But they still matured and over a week later released a lot of pollen!

Pine needles looking a little like droopy palms (to me!)

These are downed Maple buds, tightly packed.

But I'm glad to see that their efforts weren't wasted: a week later the flowers opened and shed pollen, despite the branches being detached from the main tree.

Some beautifully colored fungi - they look like corn kernels up close.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Ghost Leaves

Leaves past their expiration date! Looking rather papery and fragile

Pale and ghostly leaves
Ridged veins and midrib stand out
Looking skeletal

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Loon Moon

Approaching full moon,

Haunting call punctures the night -

Common Loons are back!